Mastering Your Life Using Akashic Records
What does it mean mastering your life?
You can master your life experience by creating life the way you want it to be, mastering your thoughts, mastering how you speak, mastering what you think, mastering what you feel.
Why are you the way you are?
Your Personality has been created by many years not only from your personal experience, but also heavily affected by beliefs, behavior and circumstances of your parents, neighbors, teachers, and ancestors.
Then your personality becomes your reality.
Intentionally or unintentionally you created a Persona to protect and support you just because at that period of your life you might have been lost or felt lonely, needed support to navigate your everyday tasks, protected you from trauma, helped you survive in a very competitive world.
Part of your personality is associated with the experiences your ancestors went through. All our experiences can be passed on five generations down. Does your ancestors' beliefs still apply to the current circumstances, support your highest good or blocking you from happier healthier successful life.
You are carrying the weight of previous generations, their perspectives, emotions and beliefs.
Using Akashic Records we can explore your Ancestors beliefs, struggles, circumstances and learn how they affects your life today. We can release what doesn’t support your path and adopt the qualities of love, compassion, support to one another, acceptance, and believe in equality.
You also are carrying your soul’s past experiences. Even though it was your soul experience, the actions, the thoughts, the good and bad deeds are not your responsibility in today’s modern world. Let’s explore it, bring the energy of the positive experiences forward, learn the lessons and release any trauma that got stuck in the energy field of the past.
Changing your Personality by changing your Reality
Using Akashic Records we will discover and heal the Persona that doesn't suit your highest good
Let go of the Past and Create your Future
Release Trauma, Diagnoses, Pain, Circumstances that define your Past.
Let's create Peaceful, Happy, Joyful Future together.
Gaining control by
giving up control
Allow your subconscious mind illuminate areas of your life that can benefit from healing
Let's discover how trauma, event, disease, accident, loss of the loved ones affect your life.
Who are you today because of that event? Did you rise to the occasion and become a different person who is more compassionate, kinder, loving, considered, supportive?
Are you still identifying yourself with the trauma, diagnosis, loss, grief? Are you labeling yourself as a person who has PTSD, Panic attacks, Cancer, or Autoimmune disease?
I would like to invite you to look at the situation from a different perspective. What happened didn't happen to you, it happened FOR you. Look at the situation as a chance for you to become more loving, resilient, a reason to change the course of your actions. Maybe this was a reason for you to change your diet, start a new hobby, job, career, or business. The opportunity to meet new friends, partners or mentors.
Would you like to continue living in the dark cloud of this old story? Do you intentionally or unintentionally want to miss exciting opportunities? Does living in the past support your goal of creating a happy life?
You might say this old story, trauma, loss defines me. This is who I am because of that.
I would ask you: Are you happy with who you are now? Do you live your life to the fullest? Are you happy, joyful, and compassionate to yourself and others or you're replaying this story in your head over and over again and using it as an excuse for your failures and mistakes.
Did the story of your trauma become very different over the years because you edited that? Maybe it’s so much different from the original story so it's not completely accurate any more. Do you want to continue living in this false reality?
If this story doesn't serve your highest good anymore, let’s change it.
You can release the old stories, and old feelings by allowing yourself to feel them, feel each and every moment and then transform them into a light, to a new story of love, joy, happiness and bliss.
It’s possible to heal the past to make the present bright and existing. Yes, you cannot change the fact of what happened, but you can release that dark low vibrational energy from your energy field so the story will not affect you in a negative way anymore.
Let’s peel the layers of the trauma, loss, mistreatment that affects your current life and release it, so you can create your happy, joyfull, abundant life filled with excitement, love, joy and laughter.
How to gain control by giving up control
What does having control over your body, mind and spirit mean to you?
For me having control over my body, mind and spirit means recognizing when I have to take an action and when I have to let go and be ready to receive anything that is coming my way. Recognizing that it’s time for absorption and integration of energy and information.
After learning, practicing, and exercising the period of effortlessness comes. Stop pushing and be open for anything that is coming your way. This is when you might overhear a helpful conversation, you might meet someone who gives you direction for your next steps.
And then it's time to be active again and use this information.
Maybe you have a tendency to push and push, working harder and harder for endless hours. This is what society teaches you to be successful. From that lifestyle you become overwhelmed, tired, burnt out, and frustrated. It seems like everything is working against you. Nothing seems right.
Slow down and see what your body is telling you. Here is an example: I love hot weather. When I feel amazing at 100F I know my body is telling me my thyroid is not functioning properly. This is when I have to slow down, focus more on yoga and meditation, and give myself a rest.
Do you have pain in your body? Maybe you had an injury and even though it happened a long time ago and you went through the hours of physical therapy, you haven’t been healed yet. This is time to stop and ask what your body tells you to focus on right now?
It’s time to take control by giving up control to your body, mind and spirit. Your body, your mind, your soul are amazing. They know what you need, they know how to heal themselves. You just have to give them a chance to do that.